the name says it all.”


mindsetforchange – that’s me, and me alone: Martin Jeglitza, political scientist and educationalist, journalist and education expert – with a passion for, and years of experience in, development cooperation.

mindsetforchange: the name says it all. I see change and innovation not as a challenge, but as impulse, chance and necessity – and this outlook has always been my particular credo.

mindsetforchange is my attitude, with which I will be able to carry out your tasks and projects successfully.

Competence and Experience

The last 25 years have seen me working in development cooperation, closely engaged in the areas, “education, vocational education and the labour market”. I have steered and implemented a large number of complex education and labour-market projects in more than 40 developing and emerging countries. Now, I draw on the extensive knowledge gained, to target-orientate my approach in policy, strategy, systems and institutional consultancy.

find out more

During these projects, and as a result of each one, a comprehensive network of longstanding and reliable cooperation has been established all over the world, and it’s growing each year. The network encompasses: decision makers and opinion leaders in numerous government agencies, and in dozens of national & international technical institutions and organisations; hundreds of experts; and a wealth of international and national consultancy companies.

What is more, I have worked together with all the relevant international donor organisations, including the Asian Development Bank (ADB), the European Commission (EC), the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), the German Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW), the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) / the Millennium Challenge Accounts (MCAs), the Swiss Development and Cooperation (DEZA), and the World Bank – to name just some.

Possessing technical knowledge and contacts is only half of the success, however. The other half is my managerial experience: 25 years working in senior and management positions, including 14 years as Director of “Education, Vocational Education and the Labour Market” with one of the leading European consultancy groups in development cooperation. All this enabled me to acquire first-hand management knowledge, involving responsibility for 30 permanently employed staff members and up to 200 national/international project staff, and maintaining a project portfolio averaging 25 million euros.

Offer of Services

Broad, content-related knowledge; comprehensive networks of people and institutions; long-term management experience; as well as the willingness and ability to think changes through strategically and operationalise them efficiently – in other words, a mindsetforchange is my hallmark that leads to success.

What can you gain from me? Not everything, but all the things I’m able to do best, and in which I have been successful in the past and today. In short: the ideal conditions for putting your most specific and individual tasks and projects effectively into practice.


Strategic Business Development


strategic market development (content, regions, donors) for companies /
organisations / institutions active in the field of development cooperation

organisational development and coaching for companies / organisations / institutions active in the field of development cooperation (structures, systems, processes, instruments)

strategic business development support for particular market opportunities
(competitive intelligence, overall acquisition strategy, international and national partners, experts, finances, etc.)


Project Management


(outsourced) project directorship / (outsourced) project management with specific experience and expertise in the management and backstopping of complex, large-scale programmes / projects for most major donor agencies

on-site, interim project management / (project) crisis management

project inception management (on-site and back office) and (interim) project backstopping (on-site and back office)


Technical Missions


short-term/mid-term and interim missions in the fields of education /
vocational education and training / labour market, with particular focus on:

  sector policy analysis and development

  sector strategy and systems analysis and development

  support in implementing developed strategies and aligning systems

  institutional analysis, development and strengthening

  organisational development and advice

  capacity building and strengthening



Evaluator ‘K to 12 PLUS Project’, Philippines

Dates (from – to):
October 2018 – March 2019

37 working days

GOPA Consultants

Strategic Advisor, Acquisition of EU-China Partnership Facility (EuropeAid/139015/DH/SER/CN), China

Dates (from – to):
August 2018

10 working days

Internationaler Bund

International Coordinator, Field of Activity 3, Enhancement of Egyptian Dual System Project (GIZ), Egypt

Dates (from – to):
June 2018 – May 2020

44 working days

GOPA Consultants

Senior International Expert in Project Management / Acting Team Leader, Blended Learning in Inclusive Education Course, Basic Education Programme (GIZ), Malawi

Dates (from – to):
May 2018 – October 2018

66 working days

Internationaler Bund

Strategic portfolio development

Dates (from – to):
December 2017 – November 2020

240 working days

Asia Society for Social Improvement and Sustainable Transformation

Strategic business development and organisational consultancy

Dates (from – to):
October 2017 – October 2020

150 working days

Contact and Curriculum Vitae

T + 49 174 3267174


Angaben gemäß § 5 TMG

Martin Jeglitza
Am Farnbach 3
61381 Friedrichsdorf

Vertreten durch:
Martin Jeglitza

Telefon: +49 6175 94 06 76
Mobil: +49 174 326 71 74
Fax: +49 6175 94 06 78
E-Mail: mj@mindsetforchange.eu

Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer gemäß §27a Umsatzsteuergesetz:

© Pietro Sutera (alle Portraits von Martin Jeglitza)
© Iris Jeglitza-Moshage / Martin Jeglitza (alle weiteren Bilder)

Website: Design/Realisierung
Teamwork One Werbeagentur GmbH, München

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